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Why choose us

Our history is
the best guarantee
we can offer you

When was SALF

Salf Srl was founded more than seventy years ago, in 1955. Initially, the company focused on producing all types of components found on trailers and semi-trailers, gaining increasing specialization in this field.

Over the years, various collaborations were established with the most important manufacturing companies in the transport sector.

The Growth 
of the Company

In the 1970s, the company expanded into medium-light metalworking for transport and agriculture, acquiring specific knowledge

and skills that still allow for efficient collaboration with the most important production companies in these sectors.

The Growth 
of the Company

Over the years, the technology available on the market has evolved, accompanying the company's growth. Salf has focused on innovation, purchasing state-of-the-art automatic machinery, welding robots, and recently, a high-definition plasma cutter to further enhance product quality and reliability.

Our Strengths

Rivolgersi a un’azienda a carattere familiare e con 50 anni di esperienza alle spalle significa godere di tutti i benefici di un unico interlocutore diretto, approfittando, al tempo stesso, di un’altissima specializzazione nel proprio settore. L’ideale per chi cerca una consegna rapida del prodotto finito e ha bisogno di un risultato che soddisfi alla perfezione le sue aspettative, senza brutte sorprese.

Cosa ti possiamo garantire?

  • Velocità di esecuzione

  • Consegne in tempi rapidi

  • Estrema flessibilità

  • Cura dei dettagli

  • Lavorazioni su misura 

  • Affidabilità ed esperienza

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